This site is made from vanilla HTML and the default new.css theme.
Website Administrator.
Feel free to use PGP When sending me messages over any platforms. My key is listed below, and is also at
A7A2 C66D E476 87B2 4556 AE68 3BF7 B56E 23DC 2716
-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- mDMEZYFprxYJKwYBBAHaRw8BAQdANBBe8f6lGMRD/ekGthtWMfwlxq6sws3bKoa+ NZBx2g60HUF1dHVtbiBFeWVzIDxmZXJmaWVsZHNAcG0ubWU+iJkEExYKAEEWIQSn osZt5HaHskVWrmg797VuI9wnFgUCZYFprwIbAwUJBaUyQQULCQgHAgIiAgYVCgkI CwIEFgIDAQIeBwIXgAAKCRA797VuI9wnFj2uAQDJBRkYBwAwvH1wv21wjtP6gwnW P0X+f3jdEZLbDXNPiQEA9ZnLZ4eNneVswCbfllXiXGFQr3YBNRInIDvyH5Irugm4 OARlgWmvEgorBgEEAZdVAQUBAQdAv9cHxV5lNHDlYelGertvZHiQRrxrnHrNt1qY 9IEbNEsDAQgHiH4EGBYKACYWIQSnosZt5HaHskVWrmg797VuI9wnFgUCZYFprwIb DAUJBaUyQQAKCRA797VuI9wnFiaaAP9gl4OiHrXxykSUsG0az8mtI8gvZQu6UlbD kxjWjfTxUAD/RU1XakyNBX+R+hkCQb0GB1XBe/xQyjl+IRyAoe9f+wk= =3p1/ -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----
Username | Platform |
@ferfields | |
@cardinal | Telegram (Less Active) |
Ferfields | Keybase |
ferfields@ contactameproton[email protected]mail. com | Email (PGP Encrypt if needed) |
@ferfields | Discord |
Email is the best way to contact me for quick questions, Telegram or Keybase for anything more complicated.
I collect no personally identifiable information about you. Cloudflare isn't used on this part of my website either, however it is used on my web (To block attacks). You can read the privacy Policy of Cloudflare here if you wish.
I do not use any type of tracking cookies. I do not show you advertisements on my website. At most, I will get your IP Address (Which should be a VPN anyways) and user-agent. Cloudflare will also have your IP Address, feel free to read about all the freaky things they collect here.